I purchased this for my daughter and she absolutely loves it. The design is very cute and I think it'll appeal to most little girls. The blanket is on the thinner side, but it does keep her warm. I think this is perfect for when you're watch tv or just want that added comfort of a blanket. The blanket is very soft and a nice size.
I bought a unicorn throw blanket here, the material is super soft, the colors are vibrant and the pattern is fun.We have washed it quite a few times and haven't had any issues with the material ripping or coming undone.
I am very happy with my purchases.The dinosaur blanket are exactly as described, they are soft, lightweight, warm, the color is what I expected.One more thing ~ the price is really great, too!
This company is great, they are also very enthusiastic to help me solve the problem. I'm always freezing at work, and this is the perfect size throw to hide on my lap while I'm seated at my desk.
Soft & cute patterned blankets and rugs for your loved ones. Jekeno has since grown into a globally recognized company which has the ability to develop, design and produce by ourselves.