I was banned on Nextdoor app for a snap shot i posted about the crypto market at that time. They claimed it was a political post. I will never use again! The moderators are democrats and go out they way to damage your reputation with liable posts if they find out your a republican.
Liberals can post what they want, usally attacking conservatives, then run like tattle tales to "report" dissenting replies. Then the liberal biased "leaders" remove posts or suspend accounts, while leaving up liberals' posts, no matter how much they violate rules. Pathetic.
Nextdoor is full of spiteful Karen's. You can't ask about your community because they allow your real info you get threats through post office. Both times it occurred it was a keyboard Ken who thought he had the right to send threats through the mail. Nextdoor will do nothing not against there guidelines. When you have to involve police it's an app you don't need to bother with. Learned the hard way people on that site think they own you, can scare you or threaten you and get away with it. Never again,
I was banned for posting a free documentary showing at the local library. Nextdoor claimed that my Award Winning Independent Documentary was misinformation.
One of my posts was taken down because I posted independent peer-reviewed science related to a topic. They claimed that the independent peer-reviewed science was misinformation.
This site micromanages posts and suppresses information as bad as North Korea.
Nextdoor is intended to be an application where various services and events related to an urban area are shared. However, it appears that it should be modified to function primarily as an app for pet owners, as the majority of the posts pertain to this subject. I have been a member of Nextdoor for quite some time, and recently I muted all posts related to pets. Since then, I have received no notifications. This situation is quite unreasonable. Consequently, I will be leaving Nextdoor, as it does not serve the community effectively or provide valuable information.
Why is it "non-local politics" to discuss immigration when every Pacific Palisades family has an immigrant nanny, house keeper and gardener who are all currently in danger of disappearing through ICE raids? Why can't I post International Law showing that refugees are legal and cannot be returned to a perilous country? And why was my previous appeal approved, and this post was given the green light then, it was banned again? What changed? Literally every time I log into Nextdoor I'm getting reported for different reasons: "fake name," "discrimination," "topic outside neighborhood," etcetera. Yet when I proved my identity you literally wiped my account clean of 5 years of posts and comments. This makes no sense whatsoever to continually punish me for bizarre reasons that are inapplicable. And why is my moderator allowed to commit cyber stalking and speak to me about "politics" in unwanted private messages? "Harassment" by state law is defined as repeated unwanted contact intended to annoy or harass and it does not include constitutionally protected activity or conduct that serves a legitimate purpose, i.e., free speech. Additionally, they live in Woodland Hills, absolutely nowhere near Pacific Palisades, by the way: "Chris P." in the valley gets to moderate what should and shouldn't get seen or heard for a place they don't even live anywhere near? Someone please explain?
I tend to be careful and try to be kind. I joined a private political group. I've been severely depressed since Trump won. I was attacked in the group in a very abrasive and unkind manner. When I reached out to the group's creator, he refused to intervene. Welp, fools rush in where angels fear to trend. I contacted the attacker and may have said some things - basically I try to make people happy with my public posts and she complains about stuff or claims she's being bullied if someone disagrees with her. I said if that was bullying, you're bullying me and I'm leaving this group because of you. A week later I've been temporarily suspended for an unkind private message. Rolls eyes.
Nextdoor for 5 years has someone reporting all my posts. My post are not derespectful or spams at all. I post items for sale, job recommendations,businesses meds recommendations, events, cancer help. I appeal & none of my appeals get appreciated bed at all. They do nothing to those reporting my posts at all.
This is ongoing for years
Everytime I post a comment about recommendations,pet adoptions, true crimes,stores closing,house sales,store sales, auctions, anything. Nextdoor allows people to report me. Also,I appeal
& my appeals get denied. This has been going on 5 years.& Present. Nextdoor knows & allows people to report all my comments. I am sick of Nextdoor. I want Nextdoor shutdown.
Nextdoor has someone reporting all my posts for 4 yrs. I post sales, crime, drug activity at businesses, & they get reported. It is awful & my appeals get denied. My photos are of drug dealers hanging around Jack in the Box
Everytime I post about a company for recommendation, or a crime to alert people, someone on Nextdoor reports & targets me. I appeal & my appeals get denied. Sick of nextdoor
I am constantly being reported for years by Nextdoor moderators & people. I post news stories,pet rescues, to alert people.I post house sales, items for sale. I appeal & my appeals get denied. I want nextdoor shutdown!.
Every time I post good comments about events happening in city, post about homeless rights,
Adoption pet events, homeless rights, etc. Nextdoor has someone reporting my post every day,as desrespectful.I appeal & my appeals get denied.Now my account is in read only.I want my account back
Everytime I put a post in Nextdoor,Nextdoor has someone target all my comments as derespectful, when they are not. I posted animal shelter that needs an ac, & a dog that needs a home. They are not derespectful at all. I want it stopped.I appeal & my appeals get denied
Nextdoor for 3 years constantly called me names,attack & harass me for 3 years. Also, everytime I post recommendations,jobs,repairs,house rentals,news stories,Nextdoor picks people to report all my comments as desrespectful, but they are not. I appeal & all my appeals get denied. Now,Nextdoor closed my account.
People message me about Nextdoor. I want Nextdoor shutdown for good.
Nextdoor for 3 years has people reporting all my posts as desrespectful, when they are not. I post recommendations,news stories,cancer help,senior programs,news stories. Someone is teporting everything I post. I appeal & my appeals get denied. I am sick of it. Need an atty.
I post recommendations,sales,house rentals,dogs need a home, various community events,news stories,companies hiring. I post everyday to alert neighborhoods & communities. I am active with my Blockwatch, City & govt events,but, someone on Nextdoor is being told to flag & target all my posts & comments. I appeal & my appeals get denied. I contacted Nextdoor on all social media accounts. I get no help. I want this stopped, I
Don't know what to do.I am sick of it all.
Everytime I post a comment about community events,recommendations,respond to peoples questions, my comments get reported day & night daily for over 3 years,it is getting worse now. I cannot respond to anything,I appeal everyday & night. I contact Nextdoor everyday & nothing happens at all. Sick of it!
I would post about true crimes in AZ,I would get reported. Then,I post about the lightrail bringing more crimes in neighborhoods,& I would get reported. People target me constantly in nextdoor,yet,the abusers,the felons are allowed to attack me & stay on Nextdoor. Now,my account is suspended. I post about health awareness,recommendations,news reports,& I get reported.Nextdoor needs to shutdown..
I post all the time to let people know about SS news, and city of Phoenix Black Trash cans. I also report crimes & police alerts. Everytime I post, people report them all. I get told I am being desrespectful, when I am helping.
Nextdoor has someone constantly reporting my comments. I post police silent witness,I post govt programs for free phones, computers, & discounts on internet through ACP program. Nextdoor has someone reporting me. I am sick of it & want it stopped.
I cannot post anything at all. My posts are good & information to help. I am sick of this,I want it stopped. Who keeps reporting all my posts. Someone told me that no matter what someone is bullying, & reporting everything I post.I am posting about a pick up laundry business & my gofund me & the kiss & Hyundais being stolen, this is to help.
Not spam & not disrespectful at all.
Put them back. My GoFundMe is legit as GoFundMe says!
Someone is constantly reporting me. Sick of it
Nextdoor allows people to call me names,bully me for over 3 years. People call me names, comment about my posts that are good. There is a person who is constantly attacking, & their friends also. Nextdoor does nothing, I filed a complaint with BBB & Atty Gen. Now I will go to small claims. I got a message from someone on Nextdoor who said there is someone constantly stacking me on everything I comment on. Then Nextdoor removes my comments & when I appeal they deny my appeals. I want Nextdoor shutdown.
Nextdoor allows name calling,bullying, people reporting comments all the time that are good. They remove good comments & posts.
Nextdoor allows people to attack me & call me names,when I let nextdoor jnow,they remove my posts & comments. Also, I got robbed & I set up a gofundme which Gofundme said was ok,Nextdoor keeps removing it. I have a police#, & gofundme link: https://gofund.me/9604d84.I want Nextdoor held accountable & reported
They banned me again for not agreeing with the politics they speak on and their hatred by shooting dogs and fireworks scaring neighbors pets
A group of people who bully anyone when you ask them to follow the guidelines. The moderators are religious and right Wing as well or they d allow all neighbors a point of view it's really sad
My account has been suspended for 2 weeks on the basis that I violated community guidelines for discussing politics. On numerous occasions I have asked Nextdoor local reviewers to remove a post regarding local immigration on the basis of the racist comments and the discussions of actions that makes the community at large less safe. I have interacted on the post. I was not rude and engaged in civil discussions. My engagement was primarily to decrease the bias in the local community. I escalated to nextdoor.com when action locally was not taken. On the escalation form I posted the exact thread that I was referencing as racist and a risk to the community. That support case number is Case # 20358597. Over the course of days several of my comments were removed for breaking some violation or another. All the while other comments that were rude, racist, dangerous, and violated community guidelines were allowed to stay on the post. The post was not removed. Mind you I know my viewpoints are not "in line" with most community members in the state of Texas. That is not a bad thing or anything that should allow the local reviewers to discriminate against me for. My voice is valid too! The first attempt to silence my voice was a personal attack on my identity. I was reported for not using my real name. My account was suspended. That was a completely bogus claim as I am using my real full legal name. I had to provide my drivers license to Nextdoor to prove my identity. That is an invasion of my privacy. Then a post I made for a call to action locally to help our neighbors was deleted, there was not a reason provided for its removal. A platform that allows neighbors to police their neighbors needs to have more checks and balances. After that first suspension it has been a non-stop attack on everything I have to say. Multiple comments of mine have been hidden or removed. And yet racist comments because they align with the local reviewers have been allowed to stay online.
Nextdoor has a rating of 1.7 stars from 3,045 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. Reviewers dissatisfied with Nextdoor most frequently mention social media, real name and free speech. Nextdoor ranks 503rd among Social Network sites.