PurseValley has a rating of 3.0 stars from 450 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally satisfied with their purchases. Reviewers satisfied with PurseValley most frequently mention customer service, great quality, and real thing. PurseValley ranks 2nd among Blog sites.
Was surprised at how quick I got the bag. A little hiccup with western union payment versus credit card, that took about 3 days. But once bag was shipped it arrived within 4 days! So total of 10 days to get the bag. After reading what too look out for fakes the only thing I could spot was 6 stitches instead of 5 on handle leather patch. Otherwise it looks just like the one in the store. I'm very happy. Will order from them again.
Disgusting and shocking! This business should shutdown. All their staff need basic customer service training. The level of arrogance with these pathetic so called "friendly staff" is extremely high. They simply don't care and don't honor their warranties and guarantees. Stay away from these rat bags. I comment on their facebook page so they remove it? Wonder why? Because its the truth. So posting on every single website out there about this place. Stay away and don't bother with them because you will have a bad time.
Top quality mirror image replicas! I am so happy with my purchases, better than I could have ever expected. Trustworthy and helpful website, thank you! I have never had a better experience of buying a replica purse, literally no one can tell the difference.
Like everyone I ordered my items in July 2017 and shortly after received the notification that my order would be delayed. Of course I was disappointed but tried to have faith as I have only had good experiences with PV. I followed up and spoke with customer service they assured me that I would be receiving my purchase first week in August. I did ask for a credit for my inconvenience and they said yes. I received my packages on 8/15/17 and it is exactly what I ordered I am very happy. I hope PV re-open. Excellent customer service and communication never stopped throughout the entire process. I would definitely buy from them again.
I have ordered several items from this website and my experience has been complex but the eventually very satisfactory. My order arrived as expected (takes few weeks so have to be patient). One item was not as I had expected I called the website and without any trouble they assured me I will receive replacement. It took another several weeks but I received my replacement. I would most definitely purchase again as they made every effort to meet my expectations. Customer service also very reasonable. I was pleased with their honesty and reliability.
I ordered 3 bags from them. And the quality was very good to someone who does not own designer bags. The ysl clutch I got was off in size. The LV was too small also. But they do use real leather. I did encounter a problem when I tried to return them. They offered 50% off my next purchase stating "it is expensive to ship to china". Also when I was making my initial purchase they called back immediately when I needed help making my western union payment. But now that I need my money back, they are very slow to respond.
I am not really satisfied with the quality of the bags because i have seen some VERY good replicas and they usually run around $500. I own one and there is no difference in the real bags that I own. So I guess you get what you pay for. I got 3 bags from purse valley for $458. Lesson learned. I'll probably just sell the bags I purchased on ebay.
I was very very happy with my LV Kimono bag purchase, from the ordering process through delivery. High quality materials, meticulous stitching and beautiful color. I will definitely be making another purchase!
Ordered items in July. Received numerous emails and even phone calls and was assured that my items would be sent second week in August. Haven't heard from them since and have no contact info emails bounce back etc. Can anyone who received an email recently forward that or even a phone # thanks still hopeful
I just recently purchased my third bag from Purse Valley and they do not disappoint. I was very hesitant to order at first but now I know the quality is beyond my expectations. I will be purchasing more in the future!
I bought a Louie V bag which came on time and I loved it! Excellent quality and stitching. There is a little glitch in the inside zipper but it is functional. It really looks like the real thing and better yet feels like it. I have tried other replicas only to be disappointed by the quality. I ordered the matching wallet and it should be here soon. The first time I used my american express. AMX did not authorize the charge until speaking to me but purse valley kept in contact and there was no problem. For the wallet I used bank check (I now trusted them) but this method takes longer as it has to wait a week to clear the bank... however the customer service has been great. Once it ships you are given a tracking number so you can track your item. I think this is a great replica site. Having said that you are still paying several hundred for your purse so you should expect good quality. I was just not expecting it to be as nice as it was.
Could not be happier with the quality of these bags! I have compared these to the real ones I have and I will never buy a real Louis Vuitton again! The details are all there... no one would ever know! So happy with my purchase! Definitely buying more from purse valley!
I am not sure why there are so many negative reviews? I received my bag in less than two weeks, it is absolutely beautiful! The customer service was impeccable and I can not wait to purchase my next bag from purse valley... I am already saving :)
I was wary about ordering but a friend of mine said she had ordered from PV and was pleased. I ordered a LV handbag and it arrived in less time then they estimated. I'm very happy with the quality. Looks like the real deal. I will order from them again.
I recently purchased 3 bags from PurseValley.cn. Could not be happier with the quality and authenticity, they are made from the same genuine leather as seen in the brand's store, same details, simply identical to the original. I am looking forward to ordering with them again. Thank you Purse Valley!
I recently purchased 2 watches and a purse from PurseValley.cn. I had bought several other watches from PurseValley and its sister site, Perfect Watches, in the past so I knew I will get great looking and quality replica watches. However, my wife was totally amazed at the quality and craftsmanship of the purse she purchased. We expected a mediocre and cheap looking purse but what we received looked high quality, identical to the real purse and very rich. As usual, their sales support team is cordial and responsive. That is one of the main reasons I continue to buy from them.
I received my bag and purse before this Christmas! I am very happy and placed a new order. These replica bags are identical to the real one, so I'm loving their products. If you like to buy good quality replica bags I will definitely recommend you this website. Cheers!
I had a great experience at PurseValley.cn. They had the lowest prices this is for sure because always they have great deals/ discounts. I received my package in a timely manner in perfect condition.The bag is amazing. Flawless and holds a lot. I basically use it as a fancy diaper bag. Need to make another purchase soon!
They are a total scam. They say money back, but, will only let you use the US Post Office for returns (very expensive). If you pay the money to return it, they do not accept the returned package. Stay away from them.
I have made multiple orders over the years and Purse Valley never fails to satisfy. I have a collection of their bags alongside my LV bought from the store and people are unable to tell them apart. I would order with confidence!
There is no way that many people had their credit card info used. Some of you say they charged 4000-6000 on your card. If you even had that kind of money or credit, your stupid $#*! would buy the real thing. You probably are charging all that yourself and trying to get your bank to reimburse you. Con artist.
I have always purchased real Louie Vuitton purses. I thought I would take a chance and see what was being offered since all the reviews were so great. I am so glad that I did. I cannot believe how authentic my purchase is. I will surely be purchasing again and my friends will be also. Purse valley is the best. Unbelievable!
I've been purchasing from Pursevalleyfactory for quite a long time now and they have never disappointed me. Their customer service is exceptional. They answer all your queries until you are satisfied. Transactions were simple with speedy processing time. Highly recommended!
Read many positive reviews so ordered a LV bag last month. Said warehouse moving and now all emails are undeliverable. Phone is not answered either. So very disappointed. Pray Wells Fargo will Credit me.
Like everyone, I dealt with the emails about the warehouse, the disconnecting of the website, calling a # that says you are the next customer and then hangs up ect ect.
But on Aug. 11 I got a tracking # via email from *******@pursevalleymail.cn.
And I finally got my purse last night!
The customer service (or lack there of) was really disappointing as no one should have to stress over a delivery especially with the amount of $$$ everyone has paid Purse Valley for their products. That being said--the purse itself looks fantastic, came neatly packaged, and feels like great quality.
Hope this gives other customers some hope that they will actually get their packages. The stress because of how much $$$ was spent sucks. :(
I must say I have never gotten such great customer service or received such a beautiful handbag in record time My Kimono bag "Luis Vuitton " is perfect! Every detail looks just like it should! I cannot wait to reorder more for the holidays! I will never order from anyone else and they take American Express they wouldn't if they didn't start d behind there products and service!
I have ordered so many items from them and adore this site! My items are legitimately the exact same as the real thing- they even count the amount of threads in the real and match it to the replica! It's illegal to have such high quality replicas sold( it's ok to buy-Fyi) but if your gonna not pay the money for the real thing, than yes there's a chance your item may get lost in transit- I personally have never had an issue! There customer service is also amazing/ they always call me after I got my items just to make sure they arrived! Plus they told me well in advance how the name will appear on my credit card statement etc! I'm sorry if you have had a bad experience but I have recommended this site to every person I know and will continue to do so! Amaze!
My Louis Vitton purse is a show stopper. Party goers spotted it & lavished praise on this beautiful bag. Not that's why I bought it, but the compliments were an unexpected perk. While it took a few weeks to arrive, it was WAY worth the wait. The PurseValley representatives stayed in constant contact, sending multiple updates on the status of my order. Great shopping experience!