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Mirjam B.

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1 Review by Mirjam

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Es ist nicht möglich, die Prime-Mitgliedschaft online zu kündigen, obwohl es versprochen wurde. Man muss anrufen, was ich aus dem Ausland nicht tun will. Alle Mail-Versuche werden standardisiert beantwortet - ein klassischer Fall von Verarschung. Ich kann nur abraten!

Date of experience: November 15, 2024

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John T. – eDreams Rep

Dear Mirjam,

We are truly sorry that your experience with customer service was less than ideal.

The way the interaction was handled does not align with our quality standards, which is something we take seriously.

We reviewed your case to verify that quality was otherwise met, and assure you that your request is in progress and being properly handled.

As soon as we have an answer, we will notify you by email at the address used to make your purchase.

We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.

Customer Care

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