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Robin M.

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1 Review by Robin

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Combine and repack has become expensive and the selection of courier has to be done before combine and select option is selected.

Date of experience: October 2, 2022

Thumbnail of user tracyt60
A F. – Forward2Me Rep

Hi Robin,

Thank you for your feedback. We understand your concerns about the cost of our combine and repack services, as well as the need to choose a courier before selecting the combine and select option.

Please note that you can always contact our customer service team to explore alternative shipping costs with different couriers.

Since you have multiple packages, it's best to combine them for better shipping rates. Your recent shipment with UPS had an actual weight of 3.00 kg but a volumetric weight of 7.39 kg. Shipping costs are based on volumetric weight, not actual weight on this occasion. If the packages weren't combined and repacked, your shipping costs would be higher based on the original boxes from the seller.

I hope this clarifies.

Many thanks,

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