Will they refund the money if the delivery is not on time?

asked by Ashutosh B. on 1/19/19

10 Answers
Thumbnail of user sethm198

They won't give you a refund despite their obligation.

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Thumbnail of user hannahg123

I'm not sure about that but I think it's a small company and it's shipping from overseas so with my order I was just super patient and when I finally got it I had actually forgotten I ordered it and it was like a little surprise in the mail!

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Thumbnail of user kathleenk1076

No. I asked for a refund. They just told me to track the package and pick it up. Original date given for delivery was 10/18/21. It's 11/1/21. I still don't have my merchandise.

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Thumbnail of user kayleem28

No, they will not. There are horrible to deal with. Absolutely TERRIBLE and your order will but arrive on time, beware.

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Thumbnail of user ashishk68

Yes, but it was my first order from this site. And I am very disappointed with the delivery service.

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Thumbnail of user katinac26

I'm not sure about the refund, but, they are better priced than anyone else. I didn't realize it came from India either BUT that was my own fault for not doing my research, so I stuck it out a couple of extra days & when I received my metal picture, it was SO worth itImage

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Thumbnail of user krishnas46

Absolutely not. They don't even deliver the product after taking Money from the customer

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Thumbnail of user rondac22

No, they will not. They will offer you a 10 percent discount if your lucky

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Thumbnail of user rorym48

Nope. This company could care less about their guarantee to get you your order when they say they will. I'm in the same bot as you.

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Thumbnail of user timp438

They may tell you that they will give you a refund, but they will do nothing.

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