asked by
on 11/16/15You can bet they are all original copies. DHgate is only an agent for sellers in china. DHgate does not sell anything, It depends on who you buy from, if they are dishonest or not, product description is tongue in cheek so to speak, if you want originals you will need to go to your local stores and pay their price.
Whether original or replica, the bigger issue is that DHGate is dishonest, assuring me I would get a refund for the product I received that does not work. To make it worse, I fell for it, and spent another $46 to send the item back to China. (They no doubt resold it to some other trusting customer.) They promised to reimburse that shipping as well, but have not, in spite of numerous attempts to get them to do what they promised. Take your business elsewhere -- it's not worth it!
I paid top dollar for a specific item for my granddaughter so I didn't mind. Three weeks after I placed the order I was told they didn't have what I ordered but not to worry we shipped you something else! Totally NOT what I wanted or pay what I had paid for! I had told them not to ship the other item which they shipped anyway. Take my advice DONT DO IT
There is a very high chance that your item will be a replica. Many brand name items have their own distribution channels and won't be on a site like dhgate. If you are buying one piece and is willing to take the risk that would be up to you. If the item is authentic its most likely refurbished. Pay with your credit card and perhaps take a video of the package as you open to back up your story.