Can anyone give me costumers service complaint email to contact them? I can not find it anywhere.

asked by Yessica D. on 6/23/19

7 Answers
Thumbnail of user chinarm

Its only on You need to log in and they click on your past or future trip. Then you will see an area where it says refunds and cancellations. You will click on it.

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Thumbnail of user jessicam916

I am sorry you are going through this, I checked but can't seem to find a record of it either

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Thumbnail of user alia1253

They don't use email so that email can be used against them as a legal document. They are frauds

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Thumbnail of user peterp1314

There is no doubt that is a scam. If you want to get your money back, then email the US Department of Transportation (douglas dot e dot davis at and CC the CEO of (oliver dot dlouhy at, the Vice-President of Customer Services (Petra dot Reiter at, and the head of customer servcies for the EU (anna dot cavazzini at Good luck and do not use them again.

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Thumbnail of user maxj66

But it's useless! They will lie to you and invent bull$#*!, they are rude thieves and crooks.

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Thumbnail of user denisas3

support.fra at
support.en at
Cr at

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Thumbnail of user frankw259

Complaints -at- kiwi -dot- com

Complaints -at- kiwi -dot- mypurecloud -dot- ie

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