I have purchased a ticket for 4 that is meant to leave very early tomorrow and still havent received my ticket?
How long is that meant to take?

asked by esther l. on 4/6/22

2 Answers
Thumbnail of user peterp1314

There is no doubt that Kiwi.com is a scam. If you want to get your money back, then email the US Department of Transportation (douglas dot e dot davis at dot.gov) and CC the CEO of Kiwi.com (oliver dot dlouhy at kiwi.com), the Vice-President of Customer Services (Petra dot Reiter at kiwi.com), and the head of customer servcies for the EU (anna dot cavazzini at europarl.europa.eu) Good luck and do not use them again.

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Thumbnail of user sarahh2516

They never pick up your phone and never give you ticket they are scum

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