asked by SMITI S. on 7/7/18

5 Answers
Thumbnail of user carolinet58

I have reserved 7 flight through Kiwi with Spirit Airlines. Within 24 h I realised that I made a mistake on the flight date. I made a change and saw that Kiwi wanted to charge for both flights. When I told them I thought I could be reimbursed, they told me to go through the refund process on their website. I did.
Just to make sure, I called Spirit and explained the issue. They said that they would fully reimburse Kiwi because the change was make within 24 h and it was an american law.
Today, I received the answer for my refund request and Kiwi said they could not get reimbursement from the airline and I would have to pay double.
When I tried to reach them to tell them there had to be another way, all of their contact information on their website was 'temporarily unavailable'.
I feel like they have stolen from me.

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Thumbnail of user mansoora16

I sent so many messages and emails regarding my refund but no reply

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Thumbnail of user davidh1384

That's the exact same thing that happened to me. Flights were cancelled and my confirmation codes are all inactive now: temporarily unavailable.

I found out they use an overseas credit card to pay for everything, so when you cancel the flights the money goes back to their card, not yours.

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Thumbnail of user abrahamd110

Kiwi Customer Service +1 (8O5) 41O -56OO Phone Number.

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Thumbnail of user emadm15

They customer support doesn't care about you, they dont care about any situation and won't help

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