asked by
on 9/26/15Everything is either really cheap or broken. Whether clothing, accessories or handbags
Yes, the ones I bought were cheap replica's from China! I have stoped shopping from Myhabbit months ago after spending so much money on replicas and damaged goods.
No - these are not knock offs. They are the end of the season, end of the catalog types of clothes. They probably buy up the stock from department stores or from designers when they want to clear the shelves. They may also contain returns, so be careful when you buy items that are not returnable.
Dear Aaron, As a myhabit shopper for the past three years, I have NEVER received a knock off. MyHabit is owned by Amazon and they offer quality at a good price and customer service is excellent. I have purchased Michael Kors, Jay Godfrey, Seven for all mankind, Steve Madden, Via Spiga and a plethora of other products. I am in no way affiliated with the company.