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on 11/11/15Sally L. You can't be guaranteed. My seller was dumb enough to post pictures of the fake bag she sent out on Tradesy's website. She was selling a super fake and when Authenticate First reviewed the bag, they were very specific as to what was not identical on the bag I was sent, versus the actual authentic bag. It made it easy for me to see what was off when I visited the LV website and then Tradesy and did a side by side comparison. Things like the exact shape of the tabs, quality of the hardware, stitching, zippers... little things that were off. Super fakes are pretty good so it can be hard to spot inconsistencies. My advice, stay away from Tradesy!
@Sally, there is a buyer protection program in place to protect the buyers from dishonest and inaccurate practices. Shipping should be done within 24 hours with established sellers that don't wait for the "shipping kit" to be sent from Tradesy. I use my own packaging and it works out to cost the buyer less and receive their item faster.