I am reading al lot of experience with Kiwi ?why could you explain it ? I am travelling from Amsterdam to Amman 21 Dec.(OK619 and after that Fr1772

asked by Assad J. on 11/5/18

3 Answers
Thumbnail of user dillzio

Don't book with Kiwi, under any circumstances. Misleading, deceptive scammers with customer service people who deliberately stuff you around and waste your time until you give up.

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Thumbnail of user maxj66

The worst online booking company! Liars, fraudsters and thieves! They will absolutely not help you in anything. All the time, they will tell you that there is nothing they can do for you! Even if you cancel the flight a month in advance. Their application is made to easily deceive you. There is a possibility to refound for 10 euros, which looks like a cancellation fee, but this information is misleading, they will return only 10 euros to you, even if you pay them 230 euros! Never, ever, ever buy anything through them! Absolutely inhuman approach, they will just invent and lie just so they don't have to return anything to you! If you do not want to have problems and do not want to lose money, please avoid this company.

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Thumbnail of user eduardoo18


I recommend you to book directly with the airline. You will get much better support and this is specially important in this COVID times.

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