why all the bad reviews?

asked by Chris K. on 7/13/19

5 Answers
Thumbnail of user robertaf65

Because it is totally unreliable. Do not try to contact their customers' service because nobody would reply you.

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Thumbnail of user gabork19

My booking changes made absolutely wrong. No respons to my e-mails and my money back! Booking number 127219245

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Thumbnail of user albertab13

Because they deserve it. No refund for the airline cancelling my flight. No offer of credit even. They just take your money and provide nothing. Not even the flights you paid for.

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Thumbnail of user nup

Because they do not take responsibility for their mistake.

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Thumbnail of user mariannen15

Their customer service is terrible and it's a very long turnaround time to get anything done. They also may RUIN your vacation by putting the wrong names on the tickets

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